Friday, July 6, 2012

Paranoia rules

In 2010, when a snowbound passenger was prosecuted for tweeting that he'd like to blow up the airport in which he was stranded, I thought that John Bull's island had plumbed the depths of stupidity.
Yesterday I was proved wrong. Some dipstick got the driver of the coach he was travelling on to summon assistance because a man of 'asian appearance' was pouring liquid into what turned out to be an electronic cigarette. As a consequence a motorway was closed for seven hours as 'a full multi-agency response was put into motion, with an army bomb disposal team, a chemical and biological weapons team, armed police, counter-terrorism officers, ambulance and fire crews'.
I know it's not a crime to be stupid, otherwise the gaols would be full to overflowing with Daily Mail readers and every non-billionaire who's ever voted Tory. But in this case I think an exception should be made for the dipstick, the coach-driver and whoever failed to check the facts before launching the 'multi-agency response' and making hundreds of people's lives a misery.